Brahmanda Purana is one of the eighteen major Puranas of Hinduism written in Sanskrit. All other Hindu scriptures refer to this Purana as Mahapurana. Probably Brahmandapurana and Vayupurana were the same text. The two are later written in the form of two interrelated two separate Puranas.Brahma-and is a cosmological concept of Hinduism. The Brahmandapurana is named after this concept. This Purana is one of the oldest Puranas. The earliest part of it was probably written in the 4th century AD. Later it was edited in different eras. Multiple texts of this Purana are currently available.The manuscripts of the Brahmandapurana are like encyclopedias. These include creationism, reform, kingship, mythology, principles and religion, yoga, geography, rivers, good governance, administration, diplomacy, trade, festivals, a travel guide to Kashmir, Cuttack and Kanchipuram and other topics.A hymn called Lalita Sahasranama is included in the Brahmandapurana. In this hymn, the superpower is mentioned as the supreme deity of the universe. This Purana is one of the oldest Hindu scriptures found in Bali, Indonesia. It is called the Javadvipiya-universe.This is a complete universe myth. This myth is fully presented in the app.